Elon Musk implants the primary mind chip in a human: What does he need to obtain?

The firm Neuralink, owned by tycoon Elon Musk, has already succeeded in implanting a mind chip in a human being.

The billionaire himself defined it by way of his social media: “The primary human obtained an implant from @Neuralink yesterday and is recovering nicely. Preliminary outcomes present promising neuron spike detection,” he stated.

The proprietor of Tesla, the social community X (previously Twitter) and SpaceX additionally introduced in his message the identify of the chip: “It is referred to as telepathy”.

Musk outlined the functionalities he envisions for this revolutionary expertise: “Permits management of your cellphone or laptop, and thru them virtually any machine, simply by pondering.”

Ilustracin de un chip cerebral.Freepik

Elon Musk and the instance of Stephen Hawking

The billionaire used the instance of Stephen Hawking, a physicist and mathematician with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis who died in 2018, to speak about the advantages of the chip.

“Preliminary customers will likely be those that have misplaced using their limbs. Think about if Stephen Hawking might talk quicker than a pace typist or auctioneer. That’s the aim,” he stated.

Neuralink, as might be learn in its X publications, started the recruitment interval for human medical trials in September 2023.

The FDA (Meals and Drug Administration) gave it permission to start out in Could of the identical 12 months, after its utility had beforehand been rejected in March. Beforehand, trials had been performed in monkeys and pigs.

Neuralink’s implant, in response to the corporate, is invisible, integrates seamlessly into the physique’s tissues, contains a battery that’s simply recharged from the skin with out wires, and comprises 1,024 electrodes. All this in a measurement of 23×8 millimetres. That’s, just like the scale of a euro coin, though barely thicker.

Reactions on social media

There are reactions for all tastes. Elon Musk‘s publication saying the success of the mind implant in people has generated pleasure amongst some, who’ve celebrated the scientific breakthrough, and a few misgivings amongst others.

There has additionally been no scarcity of jokes and political commentary. His preliminary tweet at the moment has 26 million views.

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