Boris Johnson has cautioned Donald Trump not to withdraw American support for the Ukrainian government

A former leader of the United Kingdom says that a president who “wanted to Make America Great Again” could not tolerate a triumph for Vladimir Putin.

Boris Johnson has made a direct appeal to Donald Trump, urging him not to abandon the support that the United States provides for Ukraine if he is elected president in 2024.

After returning from a trip to Ukraine, the former British prime minister wrote an article for the Spectator in which he expressed concern that a victory for Russia could have unintended consequences for a future government of Donald Trump’s. The author has been an outspoken advocate for Republicans who are on the fence about maintaining their support for Ukraine throughout the ongoing conflict.

“A victory for Putin would be a catastrophe for the West and for American leadership,” Johnson wrote in the Spectator. “I don’t believe it is an outcome that could easily be endured by a U.S. president, let alone one who wanted to Make America Great Again,” Johnson concluded.

According to what Johnson had to say, if Ukraine were to be successful in driving Russia away, “then the reverse is true.”

“Exacty the opposite message will be sent around the world: that we do care about democracy, that we are willing to back our principles, and that the West still has the guts to stick at something until we succeed,” he added. “That we do care about democracy, that we are willing to back our principles, and that the West still has the guts to stick at something until we succeed.”

The statements made by Johnson come at a time when Ukrainians are feeling anxious about the future of western support if Trump is elected president.

Since being removed from power against his will a year ago, the former leader of the United Kingdom has been actively advocating for ongoing assistance for Ukraine. As part of his efforts to bolster support for the Ukrainian war effort among Republicans who were on the fence about it, he went to a private lunch in Dallas, Texas, in the month of May. During the same trip, he also had dinner with President Trump, during which a Johnson official said that he brought up “the vital importance of Ukrainian victory.”

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