Ontario Liberal MP’s map of Canada forgets P.E.I., Yukon

Yasir Naqvi’s map of Canada map depicts a rustic Canadians are usually not aware of — it has eight provinces and two territories. 

Canada has 10 provinces and three territories.

The taxpayer-funded political flyer by the Liberal MP to rejoice Canada Day, which was despatched to constituents in his Ottawa Centre driving, features a picture of Naqvi along with his contact data. Its important characteristic is a clean map of Canada encouraging recipients to “color the map.”

Nonetheless, recipients had been met with just a few fewer provinces to color. The Maritime province of Prince Edward Island is often nestled within the Gulf of St. Lawrence between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, however was disregarded of the map altogether.

The map additionally included a number of inconsistencies with provincial and territorial borders.

The Quebec border takes over New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, lumping them into one province.

And the border between Yukon and Northwest Territories has disappeared, merging the territories into one.

The map has been making the rounds on-line, with many questioning the way it was authorized regardless of the inaccuracies.

Alberta Conservative MP Michelle Rempel Garner took to X, previously often known as Twitter. She shared a photograph of the map and requested, “Can you see the error that whoever was presupposed to proof this mailer did not catch?”

Days after the map was despatched out Naqvi took to X to apologize for the error.

Naqvi didn’t clarify how this map was despatched out regardless of the errors, however as an alternative he gave an answer on the best way to use the incorrect map.

“Please consider it as an interactive map to show youngsters our geography, or to begin to study extra about these superb locations,” Naqvi wrote on Sunday.

CBC Information reached out to the Liberal MP for remark however didn’t obtain a response.

Newsletters — often known as “homeowners” — are paid for by the Home of Commons that Canada Publish distributes at no cost to households in every MP’s personal driving. 

MPs can ship these flyers, which generally inform constituents about parliamentary actions and points, as much as 4 instances per 12 months utilizing their workplace budgets.

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