Ultras from Sevilla whack out A lack of respect for the ideals that have made us great, as stated by Sergio Ramos

The man who formerly served as captain of Real Madrid has rejoined the Andalusian club.

The fact that Sergio Ramos has returned to Sevilla 18 years after leaving the club to play for Real Madrid has caused a significant amount of controversy among the Biris Norte, the ultras that support the Seville-based team.

This group has taken to various social media platforms in order to express their vehement opposition to the signing of the 37-year-old defender on a one-season contract.

Biris Norte has been very clear in their public declaration that they do not support the persons who have been advocating for this acquisition.

The opinion of the ultras from Sevilla towards Sergio Ramos
“As an ultras group of Sevilla for almost 50 years, we want to express our unease to those who proposed this signing,” the statement says. “We want to express our unease to those who proposed this signing.”

“We are not driven by malice or anger; rather, we are inspired by love and pride for our club, its history, and the people who support it.

“We believe that the mere proposal of this signing was already a lack of respect for the values that have made us great, for the symbols and legends that have defended our badge, and for the thousands of Sevillistas who have suffered the scorn of this player in the past,” the statement read. “We are of the opinion that the mere proposal of this signing was already a lack of respect for the values that have made us great.”

“We believe that this signing benefits the interests of more than a few directors who neither understand nor comprehend what it is that makes Sevilla great and who only look out for their own personal and/or financial interests. ”

“We are not their choir, and we will always be on the side of Sevilla, but not of those who taint it with their decisions.” “We will always be on the side of Sevilla, but not of those who taint it.”

“We believe that fans of Sevilla should have memory and pride, evaluate the circumstances, and come to our own individual conclusions.”

“We, as a group, are very clear about this, and although we know that every day there are fewer and fewer of us who put our values before the economic aspect, it is something that for Biris Norte is non-negotiable. “We are very clear about this.

“This statement is addressed specifically to the Sevilla board because we believe that, with each decision, they are moving further away from a model that respects our way of feeling for the badge,” the statement reads. “This statement is addressed specifically to the Sevilla board.”

“We will say it once more: dignity, values, and respect for the badge and the fans are the basis on which an organization with more than 100 years of history should be sustained,” the statement read.

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